Thursday, August 16, 2012


Growing up, we all have had our scrapes and bruises.  Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa {or even a brother or sister} would go into the bathroom cubbard and grab the box {or tin}, pull out a Band-Aid and maybe even kiss it to make it better.  Those moments of care and love would make the hurts and "owies" bearable, in most cases. Of course, there would be Neosporin, too, so the scrapes would heal and hopefully leave no scars.  But, sometimes the cut was deep and scars were left, but they were cool to talk about. You may have told stories of how you got those scars.  For example my story "rode your bike down a gravel hill, only to try and turn really fast and go back up" or "your brother through an ash tray at you when you were 5" {that's James' story}.

Many times in life, Band-Aids and a "kiss to make it better" don't help. 
We have major "scrapes" and "bruises" that leave major scars, that sometimes cannot be physically seen:
Insecurities. Worries.  Fear. Anxieties.  Loneliness.  Broken Relationships........They are deep. 
They can seem unbearable, at times, and we keep looking for something to be the "Neosporin" to help take away the pain and to heal it.

There is only One who can take away the pain; One who bore the greatest pain that no one else could bear: Jesus.  He is The Healer of all hurts, scrapes, bruises, and pain in our lives.  We may have scars, but we will look at them and see how far we have come.  How we have been redeemed: changing negative moments to positive outcomes.

I'm reminded of Revelation 21:4 when there will come a day, when "God shall wipe away the tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.......for these things will pass away."
{or as someone once said, "no more piano" wink.wink.}.

There will, also, be no more need for Band-Aids. 
Until then, be encouraged that there still is hope and healing today, when you and I need it most.




  1. So grateful for the Atonement in my life. Thank you for posting this.

    And I'm also grateful that right now, when I kiss my boys' boo boos, it somehow makes it all better :-)

    1. Love to hear....and kiss them all you want for as long as you can! :)
