Friday, March 15, 2013

Retreat! Retreat!

I am really looking forward to tonight and tomorrow.  I am headed back to camp!  You betcha!  You can see pictures from my last visit to camp here.  And these photos were taken about 10 minutes away from where I will be!  Beautiful last glimps of snow covered trees!

So....CAMP!  I love the time to get renew, to refresh, and to "regroup" with other people that I respect and cherish friendships with!  I know this time will be great for me to, yet again, focus on the mission God has called me too...called James and I both too!  James and I are where we are because that is where God has called us. 
But beyond that knowledge, we need to wait for further direction. 
We are at that place right now, and to be honest...sometimes it seems scary (the unknown). 
But, that is when I am reminded of the verse that I mention often:

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He WILL direct your path.

Proverbs 3:5

As always, His Word gives hope and rest.  I'm resting on Him to to direct our next season in life....and I am not just talking about SPRING!!  :)  ....even though, SPRING is so close I can SMELL it!

Have a blessed weekend and take the time you need to renew, refresh, regroup,.....and RETREAT! RETREAT!

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