Friday, October 12, 2012

100th Post!

Wow! I can't believe I made it this far, already. 
It's my 100th post!  
Time really flies when you are having fun! My 100th post came up so fast that I didn't even realize it...until now! If I would have paid more attention, I could have prepared one hundred of my favorite things, or revealed one hundred outfits you could wear!  Never mind, I just thought about it and my favorite things would have probably wasted your time, and I don't want to do that, now do I!?  Also, you will probably see 100 outfits throughout the life of this blog and I'm just going to give them to you gently.  A few here and there and real life posts, recipes, and pictures of other things that inspire me in between all that.  Sound good to you?!  I hope so!
Some things I DO want to do through this blog:
1. Encourage You!
2. Inspire You!
3. Have fun!
If blogging ever turned into a task or burden for me....I would have to re-evaluate things.  Blogging is a great hobby for me and I have the opportunity to better my photography skills....maybe I will improve on seems husband takes more photos with my camera than I do!
I really hope you have had fun so far...'cause I have!  Thanks for stopping by and I really hope you feel inspired some how. :)
You may be surprised that my 100th post is actually about hunting up north in I said, I didn't really plan this! :)
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go pheasant and duck hunting for work.  I must say that I haven't picked up a gun in a year ...since the last time my work took me hunting! :)
We started hunting around 8:30AM and the weather was much colder than I thought it would be....there was snow...SNOW I tell ya'!!  Luckily the sun in the afternoon warmed things up and slowly melted everything.  It was beautiful!
I hope you enjoy these 100 pictures of the great outdoors!
Okay, not quite that many! ;) But, you do get to see one of my two ducks...whoohoo!
Thanks again for stopping by!  Have a great weekend!!!

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