Friday, June 21, 2013

beautiful blossoms(and the weekend), you finally arrived!

 Last weekend (two weekends ago, actually), James and I took a little stroll across the train tracks to view the beautiful blossoms that finally arrived in northern Minnesota!  We could see them from one of our upstairs windows and thought they were stunning. 
They looked beautiful from a far, but we needed a closer look.  Of course, I can't go anywhere without my camera,
so here are just a few snapshots of those blossoms, up close and personal... 
These blossoms didn't smell the prettiest, but beautiful THEY ARE, don't you agree!?
I just hope that wherever you are, seeing blossoms or not, that your weekend will be beautiful! 
Enjoy the first weekend of this beautiful season!
See you again on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's the last week of June. What?!?!

    You are so adorable, Tiff!
