James and I have the privilege to travel back to Wisconsin this year for Christmas family time! We are very happy and excited! If only we could blink and then we would be at our destination. Instead we must travel on snowy roads and it takes about 4 hours. To some that is nothing, to others that could seem like forever...especially with families that have youngsters in the back seat saying, "Are we there yet?!" at least a bazillion times! Traveling is already a game in itself: packing luggage without bringing too much, not forgetting extra socks, packing a tooth brush (especially when you are eating all the sweet treats)...the list goes on. For us, we usually take the time to listen to music, dance crazy with seat belts on (kinda of hard to explain) while listening to music as passing tavelers get freaked out and think we are weird! I thought about some games we could play, just the two of us, & Rainey (oh yes....she is coming too). When you have one person driving in snowy conditions, a dog in the backseat, and the other one searching through all the Christmas CD's we have, there doesn't leave much time (or space) to pull out the latest game of Monopoly or Twister (that one would especially be difficult).
So, here are some suggestions for the two or three people traveling together:
1. I Spy - We all know the I Spy books from when we were children, at least I hope you were able to enjoy that in your childhood. It is really fun to play on the road. Just pick something you see - in vehicle or outside of - and have your fellow passengers try and guess what the object is. Make it more challenging by only allowing 4 to 5 guesses!
2. The Alphabet Game - You have to find letters on road signs by starting with A all the way through Z (in order).
3. Twenty Questions - One person thinks of an object or person, and the other people have to ask questions only that have an answer of "Yes" or "No." The guessers have to try to figure the object or person out before they ask twenty questions.
Now, for those who are traveling in a larger group, here are some great games to put in the your vehicle and they're travel size!
If you know the roads will be bumpy and your driver is rushing through traffic (safely) in time for Christmas celebrations, maybe try a Tile Locking Scrabble game like this one, instead! ;)
Settlers of Catan Portable Edition found here
(James and I have brought this one along on multiple occasions!)
So, there you have it, travelers of all ages! Make sure to make the most of your time on the road and never play the last three games if you are the driver! Seriously, I am a firm believer in safety first! :)
How far do you have to travel, this Christmas!?