As of late, this verse has been on my mind:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path."
Proverbs 3:5-6
I am realizing more and more how much I struggle with trusting....
...trusting someone else to "take over."
I think I can do things the best way possible....but on my own.
I have an idea in my head of how things should be; how they ought to be the turn out the best.
I don't do this intentionally but after the fact--always after the fact--I realize that
I tried really hard to do something on my own without asking for help. Usually, I'm exhausted in my own strength
to the point of which I feel overwhelmed. I mean, if I ask for help.....I look weak, right?! WRONG!
That's a lie from the enemy of this world.
Asking God to take my life and make it happen in his plan and not in my own is the BEST thing I have realized.
I must remember: just because something isn't normal and maybe it doesn't make sense to me right away, doesn't mean it isn't possible.
These verses in Proverbs are right...
If I trust God with everything in my life and all my heart....
If I trust him without trying to figure it our on my planner or with my "24 years of experience" in life
which means absolutely nothing compared to the Lord's wisdom -- He who knows all things...
If I trust him and acknowledge that He is all knowing...
He will make all things work together for my good...for what is best for me....
I'm trusting in His promises more than ever!
I trust that you had a good weekend.
May your week be filled with joy!